Systems Designer, Technical Game Designer


Galaga was intended to be a project that we could really flex our design skills on. Our task was to form a group of six or so, and then spend a month duplicating a well known game. Our instructor threw a curveball at us halfway through the month, and told us to design and implement new mechanics that would put a Our group decided to run several games of Galaga side by side, and have the player take portals to move from one game to another. While the player was away from a game, it would run at half speed, ensuring that players could get out of sticky situations and let them pass if need be. To further stress this portal system, whenever the player had achieved a set number of points in any given area by killing enemies, an event would occur that would force the player out of the area on threat of either death, or extremely increased risk of death. One event would also encourage players to stay in the area when it occurred, adding some gameplay variance. 


Week-to-week I had varying tasks that spanned a great deal of the project as a whole. For the first week, I was in charge of the transforming enemies that would spawn from the regular enemies. This included making three different enemy types, as well as creating instantiable spawners to easily create them during runtime. For the second week, I set up our portal system, smooth camera transitions using Cinemachine, as well as creating more nav paths for my enemies to take. Lastly, I created some HUD elements on the side of the screen to alert players of the intensity of the other games on the sides of them. The third and final week I created another event to force players out of areas, set up the pause menu, and squashed bugs.


One of my tasks was setting up the frequency at which the dangerous events would occur, and ensure that the overall gameplay would keep players in flow state, without letting boredom or frustration take over. I took the point values for each enemy, as well as how often these enemies would die to the average player, to have the event play at a specific time within each area. In addition, I made sure that these events would never last so long that the player could not move through different areas without eventually becoming stuck between a literal rock and a hard place. 




Fall Safe