Technical Game Designer


Slam Heroes was the first project that Stairs Productions finalized as a test run to gauge our workflow and technical capabilities.

In Slam Heroes, players use momentum to their advantage to crash down from extreme heights on enemies. To further reward big drops into enemies, players build up a charge meter for their massive ultimate ability. These mechanics make for a fast paced experience that is extremely satisfying and rewarding for players that decide to simply slam enemies from great heights. As a studio, this project allowed us to truly gauge how much work we can get done given a split between school and outside projects.


I was one of the first people to begin working on this project, so I had written much of the prototype code for the mechanics such as jumping and walljumping, as well as the wall sliding. I also designed the original tutorial that we used to gather playtesting data and refine our mechanics from. As we began bringing on more people, I shifted into a leadership position to help guide others through my work, and keep the original creative vision for the game intact. While much of my original work was not included, or highly modified in the final version of the game, I helped provide the initial stepping stone to get the state of the game where it is now currently.


Ruin Racer


Fethod The Ray and The Decaying Bay